Local Nature Farmers and Landowners survey

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Engagement has concluded

Thank you for your contributions to the Local Nature Farmers and Landowners survey.

We will continue to use this page to keep you informed about progress with the project.

This is what we asked you.

Share your thoughts on nature in Greater Lincolnshire to help shape a new Local Nature Recovery Strategy.

We're now creating the first Local Nature Recovery Strategy for Greater Lincolnshire, and when it is agreed it will suggest where and how we can help nature to recover.

We would like to gain your views as a landowner or land manager in Greater Lincolnshire. We are keen to hear from you on what you think should be the priorities!

Thank you for your contributions to the Local Nature Farmers and Landowners survey.

We will continue to use this page to keep you informed about progress with the project.

This is what we asked you.

Share your thoughts on nature in Greater Lincolnshire to help shape a new Local Nature Recovery Strategy.

We're now creating the first Local Nature Recovery Strategy for Greater Lincolnshire, and when it is agreed it will suggest where and how we can help nature to recover.

We would like to gain your views as a landowner or land manager in Greater Lincolnshire. We are keen to hear from you on what you think should be the priorities!

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    Your responses to this survey are intended to be anonymous. When completing open text responses, remember not to include personal or sensitive information. If you are logged in when completing the survey, your user account details will be recorded against your responses. Your user account details will be removed before survey responses are analysed. If you do not want your user account details associated with your responses, you should log out of your account before continuing with the survey.

    You can then respond anonymously. For further information on how we process your information, see our privacy notice.

    To enable us to use your responses to this survey to help us compile the Local Nature Recovery Strategy, anonymised responses will be shared with the Greater Lincolnshire Nature Partnership.

    Engagement has concluded

    Share Farmers and Landowners survey on Facebook Share Farmers and Landowners survey on Twitter Share Farmers and Landowners survey on Linkedin Email Farmers and Landowners survey link