Share your views on local childcare 2024

We are undertaking a parental survey to assess the need for childcare across Lincolnshire.

We will be engaging with childcare providers and parents on the topic of Childcare Sufficiency. This is part of a wider annual assessment.

Your views on this survey are important to help us to determine where childcare needs to be developed. Your feedback will allow us to meet your childcare needs.

Within this survey, childcare is care and education provided for your child, that you pay for to enable you to work, study or volunteer. This might include breakfast, after school or holiday clubs for your school aged children. This could include the use of a childminder. Childcare can include the funded entitlement of 15 or 30 hours for 2, 3 or 4 year olds accessed through an early years provider.

Please only complete the survey if you use, intend to or need to use childcare.

We are undertaking a parental survey to assess the need for childcare across Lincolnshire.

We will be engaging with childcare providers and parents on the topic of Childcare Sufficiency. This is part of a wider annual assessment.

Your views on this survey are important to help us to determine where childcare needs to be developed. Your feedback will allow us to meet your childcare needs.

Within this survey, childcare is care and education provided for your child, that you pay for to enable you to work, study or volunteer. This might include breakfast, after school or holiday clubs for your school aged children. This could include the use of a childminder. Childcare can include the funded entitlement of 15 or 30 hours for 2, 3 or 4 year olds accessed through an early years provider.

Please only complete the survey if you use, intend to or need to use childcare.

  • Please only complete this survey if you use, want to use or intend to use childcare. 

    The findings will be published in autumn 2024 and can be found here

    Your responses to this survey are intended to be anonymous. When completing open text responses, remember not to include personal or sensitive information.

    If you are logged in when completing the survey, your user account details will be recorded against your responses. Your user account details will be removed before survey responses are analysed. If you do not want your user account details associated with your responses, you should log out of your account before continuing with the survey. You can then respond anonymously.

    For further information on how we process your information, see our privacy notice

    Take Survey
Page last updated: 18 Apr 2024, 03:06 PM