County Views survey reports

The most recent County Views survey reports can be found on this page.

They allow you to explore the data in a variety of ways.

The most recent County Views survey reports can be found on this page.

They allow you to explore the data in a variety of ways.

  • County Views - Buses 04 - 2024

    Here you can find the reports for the County Views - Buses survey.

    Click on the images to explore the findings and trends.

    County Views - Buses 04-2024
    A graphic of the front page of the county views report. A graphic of the how well are we doing page of the county views report. A graphic of the trends page of the county views report
    A graphic of the front page of the mobile county views report. A graphic of the how well are we doing page of the mobile county views report. A graphic of the trends page of the mobile county views report.
  • County Views - Vapes 11-2023

    Here you can find the reports for the County Views - Vapes survey.

    Click on the images to explore the findings and trends.

    County Views - Vapes 11-2023
    An image of the Introduction page of the November 2023 County Views report. An image of the how well are we doing page of the November 2023 County Views report. An image of the trends page of the November 2023 County Views report.

    An image of the mobile how well are we doing page of the November 2023 County Views report. An image of the mobile trends page of the November 2023 County Views report.
  • County Views - Helping people access information about care 05-2023

    Here you can find the reports for the County Views - Accessing information survey.

    Click on the images to explore the findings and trends.

    County Views - Helping people access information about care 05-2023
    Introduction Page of May 2023 County Views survey Ratings page from County Views PowerBI report Trending results from County Views PowerBI

    Ratings page from County Views Mobile PowerBI report

    Trending results from County Views Mobile PowerBi
  • County Views – Council Priorities 11-2022

    Here you can find the reports for the County Views – Council Priorities survey.

    Click on the images to explore the findings and trends.

    County Views – Council Priorities 11-2022

    Image of County Views survey summary Autumn 2022 Image of Power BI how well are we doing page

Page last updated: 18 Jul 2024, 01:48 PM