Dangerous Potholes throughout my village

Dear Sir Madam I am going around and around since reporting huge potholes throughout my village in Aswarby . Today the rains fills all the holes up so driving is treacherous as in the dark if you hit these dangerous potholes your likely to damage your tyres or more bicycles if they hit any of these holes would cause a serious accident which already has caused persons to break their cycle tyres. These dangerous potholes have been reported over 5 times given reference numbers told their investigating them all But No Actions happens. Over 20 large holes can be seen through the village road. I often hear a large bang and pray nobody’s hurt. 7 days ago a car went down a pothole totally ripping off the cars tyre It’s a total disgrace I have sent phots reports etc etc nothing happens it will I’m sure kill someone on bike hitting these holes one hole is 7 inches deep 6 inches long
come on council visit us or you maybe visiting a coroner’s court to explain to a judge why wasn’t anything done in 9 months !!