Local Nature Recovery Strategy

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Engagement has concluded

Thank you for taking part. 

The engagement was held between 21 September to 15 December 2023.

There were 1,631 responses to the survey and the project page had 3,600-page visitors.

The engagement data will help inform the strategy which will be written by the Greater Lincolnshire Nature Partnership team. Once the strategy is written the environment team will complete a consultation.

This is what we asked you.

We'd like to find out what's most important to you about nature in Greater Lincolnshire, to help us identify our priorities for protecting and enhancing it in the future.

Your responses will help inform a new Local Nature Recovery Strategy for Greater Lincolnshire.

Have your say and complete the survey. Also, don't forget to watch our video to find out more.

Thank you for taking part. 

The engagement was held between 21 September to 15 December 2023.

There were 1,631 responses to the survey and the project page had 3,600-page visitors.

The engagement data will help inform the strategy which will be written by the Greater Lincolnshire Nature Partnership team. Once the strategy is written the environment team will complete a consultation.

This is what we asked you.

We'd like to find out what's most important to you about nature in Greater Lincolnshire, to help us identify our priorities for protecting and enhancing it in the future.

Your responses will help inform a new Local Nature Recovery Strategy for Greater Lincolnshire.

Have your say and complete the survey. Also, don't forget to watch our video to find out more.

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    This survey will take 5-10 minutes to complete.

    Engagement has concluded

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