Minerals and Waste Local Plan

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Consultation has concluded

Thank you for taking part in this survey, this engagement is now closed.  

We will give careful consideration to all comments and site nominations received within the deadline. We will use these to help formulate a preferred approach for updating the LMWLP. We will set out the preferred approach in a draft LMWLP which will be subject to a further round of consultation in due course. Further details of the timetable for the LMWLP can be found on the County Council’s main website.

This is what we asked you.

Lincolnshire Minerals and Waste Local Plan (LMWLP)

Issues and options for updating the plan

June 2022

Lincolnshire County Council is responsible for the Minerals and Waste Local Plan for the county. This includes producing, monitoring and reviewing the plan.

The plan outlines the principles for the future provision of minerals and the management of waste. It provides the criteria under which we consider minerals and waste development applications, and where required, allocates land for these uses.

Details of the existing Lincolnshire Minerals and Waste Local Plan (LMWLP) are set out on the County Council’s main website.

Following a detailed review of the plan, we are now in the early stages of updating the LMWLP. This involves carrying out a consultation on the ‘Issues and Options’ for updating the plan.

Consultation on the Issues and Options is the first stage in the preparation of the updated LMWLP. We have produced an Issues and Options consultation document which sets out the main issues affecting how we plan for minerals and waste in Lincolnshire together with potential options for improving the plan. To help the consultation process, it includes a range of questions where we are seeking your views on the most appropriate way forward.

In parallel with this Issues and Options consultation, we are carrying out a ‘call for sites’ exercise to give landowners, the industry and other interested parties an opportunity to nominate potential sites for allocation in the updated LMWLP. (At this stage, we are only inviting nominations for potential sites for sand and gravel and limestone aggregates). As part of this consultation, we are also inviting comments on a Proposed Site Selection Methodology. Further details are set out in the consultation letter.

This Issues and Options consultation and the accompanying call for sites are supported by a Sustainability Appraisal (SA) scoping report. This sets out a framework for how social, environmental and economic considerations will be integrated into the preparation of the updated LMWLP, including the site selection process. Comments are being invited on the SA scoping report as part of this consultation.

The Issues and Options consultation document, Site Selection Methodology and SA scoping report are available to view in the documents' section in the panel on the right. Other relevant documents and supporting evidence can be found on the County Council’s main website.

How to respond to this consultation

Please review the consultation materials before responding to the Issues and Options document. There are different ways you can respond.

  • Online - complete the online survey
  • Email - complete a response form and send by email
  • Post - complete a response form and send by post

Please email response forms to mineralsandwaste@lincolnshire.gov.uk

Alternatively, if you prefer to submit a form by post, please send it to:

Minerals and Waste Policy Team, Planning Services, Lincolnshire County Council, County Offices, Newland, Lincoln, LN1 1YL

Site nomination forms are also available and must be completed by any interested parties that wish to make site nominations in response to the call for sites. Nomination forms can be submitted to the above e-mail address or by post to the above address.

Paper copies of the forms and the consultation documents can be requested using these contact details or by contacting Planning Services on 01522 782070.

All responses and site nominations must be received by one of the above means no later than 5pm on Friday 12 August 2022. Please note that all responses and site nominations received may be made publicly available as part of the plan-making process and therefore cannot be treated as anonymous or confidential.

Thank you for taking part in this survey, this engagement is now closed.  

We will give careful consideration to all comments and site nominations received within the deadline. We will use these to help formulate a preferred approach for updating the LMWLP. We will set out the preferred approach in a draft LMWLP which will be subject to a further round of consultation in due course. Further details of the timetable for the LMWLP can be found on the County Council’s main website.

This is what we asked you.

Lincolnshire Minerals and Waste Local Plan (LMWLP)

Issues and options for updating the plan

June 2022

Lincolnshire County Council is responsible for the Minerals and Waste Local Plan for the county. This includes producing, monitoring and reviewing the plan.

The plan outlines the principles for the future provision of minerals and the management of waste. It provides the criteria under which we consider minerals and waste development applications, and where required, allocates land for these uses.

Details of the existing Lincolnshire Minerals and Waste Local Plan (LMWLP) are set out on the County Council’s main website.

Following a detailed review of the plan, we are now in the early stages of updating the LMWLP. This involves carrying out a consultation on the ‘Issues and Options’ for updating the plan.

Consultation on the Issues and Options is the first stage in the preparation of the updated LMWLP. We have produced an Issues and Options consultation document which sets out the main issues affecting how we plan for minerals and waste in Lincolnshire together with potential options for improving the plan. To help the consultation process, it includes a range of questions where we are seeking your views on the most appropriate way forward.

In parallel with this Issues and Options consultation, we are carrying out a ‘call for sites’ exercise to give landowners, the industry and other interested parties an opportunity to nominate potential sites for allocation in the updated LMWLP. (At this stage, we are only inviting nominations for potential sites for sand and gravel and limestone aggregates). As part of this consultation, we are also inviting comments on a Proposed Site Selection Methodology. Further details are set out in the consultation letter.

This Issues and Options consultation and the accompanying call for sites are supported by a Sustainability Appraisal (SA) scoping report. This sets out a framework for how social, environmental and economic considerations will be integrated into the preparation of the updated LMWLP, including the site selection process. Comments are being invited on the SA scoping report as part of this consultation.

The Issues and Options consultation document, Site Selection Methodology and SA scoping report are available to view in the documents' section in the panel on the right. Other relevant documents and supporting evidence can be found on the County Council’s main website.

How to respond to this consultation

Please review the consultation materials before responding to the Issues and Options document. There are different ways you can respond.

  • Online - complete the online survey
  • Email - complete a response form and send by email
  • Post - complete a response form and send by post

Please email response forms to mineralsandwaste@lincolnshire.gov.uk

Alternatively, if you prefer to submit a form by post, please send it to:

Minerals and Waste Policy Team, Planning Services, Lincolnshire County Council, County Offices, Newland, Lincoln, LN1 1YL

Site nomination forms are also available and must be completed by any interested parties that wish to make site nominations in response to the call for sites. Nomination forms can be submitted to the above e-mail address or by post to the above address.

Paper copies of the forms and the consultation documents can be requested using these contact details or by contacting Planning Services on 01522 782070.

All responses and site nominations must be received by one of the above means no later than 5pm on Friday 12 August 2022. Please note that all responses and site nominations received may be made publicly available as part of the plan-making process and therefore cannot be treated as anonymous or confidential.

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    Please use this form to respond to the consultation on the Issues and Options for updating the Lincolnshire Minerals and Waste Local Plan (LMWLP). 

    Please make sure that you read the Issues and Options consultation document before completing your response. The document sets out a range of questions on which we are seeking your views.

    Privacy Notice

    Lincolnshire County Council will use the information that you supply on this form to inform the preparation of the Lincolnshire Minerals and Waste Local Plan (LMWLP) in accordance with the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 (as amended) and the Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012 (as amended). Please note that consultation responses received in relation to the LMWLP and associated documents may be made publicly available and therefore no comments can be treated as anonymous or confidential. Your information is kept only for as long as necessary. To find out more information on how your data is processed and your rights, please see the privacy notice directory which can be accessed via our website or made available on request.

    Consultation has concluded
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