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Both sides of the fence

I'm incredibly lucky that I get to see both sides of volunteering, as a manager who works with volunteers and also as a volunteer.

The incredible commitment given by volunteers in terms of time and enthusiasm, can never be understated in its importance. They bring a wealth of knowledge and skills and contribute fantastically to whatever task they are involved with. I think it's true to say that volunteers are quite often integral to the sites and projects that they support and are highly valued members of the team.

From the perspective of my time spent volunteering for over 30 years with a living history society, I can honestly say that it has given me some of the best times and memories. I have made new friends and been given opportunities to do things that would never ordinarily happen - where else would I have the opportunity to spend time in, and even camp overnight at some well known historic castles? The chance to help inspire and entertain future generations of history fans by sharing my enthusiasm and knowledge has been priceless to me. Who knows? Maybe one of those children I coaxed into trying on some medieval armour may become a future history teacher. At the very least, they have been given a memory to take away and that is what matters to me, the chance to make a difference to someone, even in a small way.