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Charity volunteering

I volunteer for 3 charities.

Have been a volunteer siighted guide for Guide Dogs since early 2019 but had to resign last week as reimbursement of my (not inconsiderable) expenses took up to a month. In these straitened times I was often left bereft of money for my own survival & the situation was getting worse over the last few months.

I found the guiding partnership very rewarding as I really like helping people & I was incredulous how some people behave towards the blind.

Also I collect for Marie Curie cancer & for Lifelines I write weekly to 2 pen friends on death row in US prisons. (if ever you think we have it hard you should see some of the very strict rules the prisoners have to observe).

Having resigned my Guide Dogs volunteering role, purely due to ther lacadaisical approch to reimbursing volunteer expenses, I am seeking another volunteer position.