School admissions policy consultation

Consultation has concluded.

Thank you for taking part in the consultation. 

Final outcomes

The public consultation ran between 25 October and 6 December 2022.

There were twenty-four responses in total.

There were no objections to the change in published admissions number (PAN) at Ingham Primary School. Sixteen respondents strongly agreed or agreed with the proposal. Eight respondents were not sure.  

We took all responses into consideration. The decision was made to reduce the PAN from 17 to 15. 

The school admissions policy was determined on 13 February 2023. Visit school admissions policies page to view the final school admissions policies and schemes.

School admissions policy consultation for LCC maintained school 2024-2025

Lincolnshire County Council, as the admissions authority for maintained schools, is responsible for ensuring that an admissions policy is in place detailing how applications are processed for these schools. This admissions policy must include each school’s published admissions number (PAN), which is the minimum number of places available in the intake year.

Lincolnshire County Council is consulting on a change to the published admissions number at Ingham Primary School, which will alter the minimum number of places from 17 to 15. This will allow the school greater flexibility in complying with regulations that state that infant classes can contain no more than 30 students. There are no other changes proposed to the policy.

Thank you for taking part in the consultation. 

Final outcomes

The public consultation ran between 25 October and 6 December 2022.

There were twenty-four responses in total.

There were no objections to the change in published admissions number (PAN) at Ingham Primary School. Sixteen respondents strongly agreed or agreed with the proposal. Eight respondents were not sure.  

We took all responses into consideration. The decision was made to reduce the PAN from 17 to 15. 

The school admissions policy was determined on 13 February 2023. Visit school admissions policies page to view the final school admissions policies and schemes.

School admissions policy consultation for LCC maintained school 2024-2025

Lincolnshire County Council, as the admissions authority for maintained schools, is responsible for ensuring that an admissions policy is in place detailing how applications are processed for these schools. This admissions policy must include each school’s published admissions number (PAN), which is the minimum number of places available in the intake year.

Lincolnshire County Council is consulting on a change to the published admissions number at Ingham Primary School, which will alter the minimum number of places from 17 to 15. This will allow the school greater flexibility in complying with regulations that state that infant classes can contain no more than 30 students. There are no other changes proposed to the policy.

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    Thank you for agreeing to complete this survey. The survey should take no longer than 10 minutes to complete.

    This survey is intended to be anonymous, so please don’t include any personal or sensitive information about yourself or others in your responses to the questions.

    Consultation has concluded.