Sleaford Transport Strategy

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This engagement is now closed and the report has been written, thank you for taking part. We will continue to use this site to keep you informed about progress with the project.

This is what we asked you.

We are working to develop a new transport strategy for Sleaford and the surrounding area. It is essential that we gather the views of those that live, work and travel in and around Sleaford.

As users of the transport network, you understand which parts work well and which parts require improvement. We want to know your ideas about what improvements could be

This engagement is now closed and the report has been written, thank you for taking part. We will continue to use this site to keep you informed about progress with the project.

This is what we asked you.

We are working to develop a new transport strategy for Sleaford and the surrounding area. It is essential that we gather the views of those that live, work and travel in and around Sleaford.

As users of the transport network, you understand which parts work well and which parts require improvement. We want to know your ideas about what improvements could be made and what travel choices there should be in the future.

This questionnaire gave you the opportunity to directly contribute to the transport strategy process to help shape the development of transport improvements in Sleaford and the surrounding area for the next 15 years.

The questionnaire covered:

  • Where you live and how you travel
  • Your transport experiences
  • Your priorities and wider aspirations for travel and transport
  • About you

Respondents also used our map to provide us with a quick overview on the issues you see or think need improving.

This engagement project is now closed, thank you to everyone that took part. We will continue to use this site to keep you informed about progress with the project.

  • CLOSED: This questionnaire has concluded.

    This questionnaire gave you the opportunity to directly contribute to the transport strategy process to help shape the development of transport improvements in Sleaford and the surrounding area for the next 15 years.

    We intend to share results and data only with those directly involved in the development of transport and infrastructure and will only use it to develop this and associated strategies and plans. 

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