Substance misuse recommissioning family support survey

Engagement  has concluded

Thank you for taking part. There were 75 responses and the findings will help shape the future family support service. 

This is what we asked you. 

Lincolnshire County Council Public Health are recommissioning the treatment and recovery services for Lincolnshire. As part of the recommissioning, we would like to improve the support that is available for families, friends and others who are affected by people's drug and alcohol use.

To help shape the development of a future family support service, please complete this short survey so that we can understand what type of support should be offered and how it should be delivered.

Thank you for taking part. There were 75 responses and the findings will help shape the future family support service. 

This is what we asked you. 

Lincolnshire County Council Public Health are recommissioning the treatment and recovery services for Lincolnshire. As part of the recommissioning, we would like to improve the support that is available for families, friends and others who are affected by people's drug and alcohol use.

To help shape the development of a future family support service, please complete this short survey so that we can understand what type of support should be offered and how it should be delivered.

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    We would be grateful if you would complete this survey.

    As this survey is intended to be anonymous, please remember not to include any personal or sensitive information (about you or other people) in your responses to the open text response question.

    Engagement  has concluded