Boston Villages

Many roads in Lincolnshire are without curbs or support along road edges, without any kind of drainage but are used by heavy lorries as “rat runs”. the road I live on has no pedestrian pavement, is a 60 mph limit but has many houses on it. Residents are forced to walk along the road to get to the bus stops, post boxes, local facilities. The weight of traffic of huge lorries delivering aggregate to a near by cement supplier leads to the side of the road breaking up with big dips, ruts and subsidence. I have reported many of these issues over the last 3 years outside my house. The seismic waves caused by these huge vehicles falling into the ruts along the road is causing structural damage to my house. Because there is no drainage the road structure is further undermined causing more damage, subsidence and holes across the road surface. Something should be done to restrict heavy goods vehicles using small rural lanes as rat runs. These roads were never meant for the weight of these vehicles and the current lack of sustainable repair has made the situation Demonstrably worse in just the last few years. Also, where residents are forced to walk on the roadside speed limits should not be set at 60mph, or if they must be that fast then pedestrian pavement of some kind should be provided