Skegness Roads

The rapidy deteriorating condition of the major roads of Skegness (and the delays in repairing Roman Bank leading to the adjoining roads being overused and therefore crumbling) will have a long term effect as visitors to the resort will always take away a lasting picture of the state of these roads, their being the first and last things they will experience.

It is no longer possible to travel anywhere in Skegness without hitting a pothole or crumbing surface. This means that, as a resident of Burgh le Marsh, I no longer go into Skegness unless it is really necessary, my on-line shopping bill is increasing daily.

As the County Council is always purporting to champion the tourism cause, this is a stumbling block in the path (road!) of their efforts. Lack of future funding will eventually lead to a serious accident as either a pedestrian stumbles when crossing the road or a motorist loses control of their vehicle.