Fix our funds to fix our roads

Council agreed again to fill the pothole in our 2023/24 highways funding from Government. An extra £7m of Lincolnshire’s cash is going into our roads.

Your County Views survey responses, FixMyStreet reports, and this campaign is strengthening the case for fairer funding in Lincolnshire.

If you or local businesses have been affected by poor road conditions, tell us. By talking about the impact the lost funding has on you, we can campaign Government together.

We expect there to be further funding cuts in the years ahead so please join our fight for crucial cash by sharing your stories below.

Council agreed again to fill the pothole in our 2023/24 highways funding from Government. An extra £7m of Lincolnshire’s cash is going into our roads.

Your County Views survey responses, FixMyStreet reports, and this campaign is strengthening the case for fairer funding in Lincolnshire.

If you or local businesses have been affected by poor road conditions, tell us. By talking about the impact the lost funding has on you, we can campaign Government together.

We expect there to be further funding cuts in the years ahead so please join our fight for crucial cash by sharing your stories below.

Write your story and post your pictures here

Share your story with us by writing it here. If you can also share a video or photo of the road that you're telling us about (especially any damaged part of the road that affects you or your business) then please add that to your story here, too. Just click on the picture icon or video camera icon in the toolbar above and follow the on-screen instructions.

Please do not share any personal information about yourself or anybody else here as everyone who visits the page will be able to read what you have written. Please note your username and comment will be visible to other people. If you think your username might identify you to others and you wish to change it, you can amend it on the settings page.

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  • Poverty Ln, Tathwell - dangerous erosion wilfully ignored for years.

    by Jerome, 26 days ago
    The enclosed photos are from 2022, a year after these potholes were painted over rather than being repaired. They had been worsening since at least 2019. They have remained and progressed since - 5 years without repairs. In places they make the road too narrow for HGVs or caravans to safely pass, which kinds of vehicles use the road as a cut-through to the Horncastle Rd from the A16 on a daily basis. Around 2021 the road was given a surface dressing, excess of which was never cleared away - it still remains in places. The line painters simply painted... Continue reading
  • The Excuses Have GOT To Stop

    by Willum, about 1 month ago

    I live in North Somercotes. If I want to go to Louth, or anywhere else inland for that matter, unless I make a fuel-wasting, time-wasting detour, I run the gauntlet of some of the most dangerous and accident inviting pieces of road I have ever come across - and that includes driving in North Africa and Eastern Europe.

    It's all down to poor maintenance. End of!

    The excuses trotted out about farm machinery and roadside drains, population density, miles of road per capita, blah, blah, blah etc etc, are so hackneyed they are almost (almost!) as potholed as the roads.

    ... Continue reading

  • Mr

    by Davew, 4 months ago


  • Blocked gulley.

    by TrevorC, 4 months ago

    The drainage gulley pot in Boultham Park Road, in the layby outside the Co-op has been blocked for months and there is usually a large pond there. Does the council unblock gulleys any more?

  • LMJ

    by LMJ, 5 months ago
    I live in Covenham , there is always flooding in Newbridge Lane and Ings Lane. The drains cannot cope , there is still a broken manhole on the footpath and when this area floods it is covered with water as is the roadside dyke.

    Large potholes and uneven surfaces along Newbridge Lane , Birketts Lane, Grange Lane and Hurtons Lane are becoming dangerous for cars and pedestrians. All these have been reported to Fix my Street . Residents living on these lanes have no other access to their Homes . I live in Hurtons Lane and have complained repeatedly as... Continue reading


    by Dumbo, 5 months ago
    4 times the River Eau as flooded The Footpaths and Road on Lindholme taking the top surface down to Susworth. Nothing has been done to repair this mess. Get your act together and get the problem fixed.
  • damaging potholes

    by Thea Whyte, 6 months ago
    In 2023 I had 3 tyres damaged that had to be replaced, at my considerable cost whilst driving on East Lindsey roads, notably the Mablethorpe straight between the town & Maltby le Marsh.

    I use the road fromThe cross Inn in Mablethorpe to Trusthorpe. The road is wavy side to side and breaking up. One of the worst roads in the area.

    East Lindsey 'goes through the motions' of being open to consider compensation when several hoops have been jumped through but don't even respond let alone accept any responsibility.

  • Lincolnshire issue

    by JV, 6 months ago
    I’ve been travelling around the country a fair bit recently. Lincolnshire’s road are undoubtedly the worst. I actually struggled in Plymouth recently to see clearly in the roads- because they were so clear! When returning from Leicestershire I literally noticed the boundary of counties as I crossed it, the road surface was an instant give away. The funding by government needs to be shared based on need. Many other counties just don’t need as much financial support to repair their roads. Ours are horrendous. Also, have been proven unfortunately both dangerous and fatal
  • Legbourne

    by Kirst, 6 months ago
    Along with all the other potholes in and around the town, driving through Legbourne the past few days- terrible road conditions, potholes all on the road near the old Cyden Homes turning. I'm surprised I didn't get a damaged tyre, needs sorting.
  • LCC Highways/Anglian Water.

    by Zipperhead, 6 months ago

    I used to drive HGV around the area and would report various pot holes and damages I saw during the day. I have just recently started to do the reporting again although I don't work anymore. I remember hitting a pothole in the dark and rain outside Cordeaux school gates and it was a deep one, called 101 Police as to me it was dangerous, and 4 hours after I reported it a red Audi hit the hole and ended up through the school fence, that hole should have been filled as an out of hours emergency! Cost me £400... Continue reading

Page last updated: 01 Jul 2024, 05:00 PM