Fix our funds to fix our roads

Council agreed again to fill the pothole in our 2023/24 highways funding from Government. An extra £7m of Lincolnshire’s cash is going into our roads.

Your County Views survey responses, FixMyStreet reports, and this campaign is strengthening the case for fairer funding in Lincolnshire.

If you or local businesses have been affected by poor road conditions, tell us. By talking about the impact the lost funding has on you, we can campaign Government together.

We expect there to be further funding cuts in the years ahead so please join our fight for crucial cash by sharing your stories below.

Council agreed again to fill the pothole in our 2023/24 highways funding from Government. An extra £7m of Lincolnshire’s cash is going into our roads.

Your County Views survey responses, FixMyStreet reports, and this campaign is strengthening the case for fairer funding in Lincolnshire.

If you or local businesses have been affected by poor road conditions, tell us. By talking about the impact the lost funding has on you, we can campaign Government together.

We expect there to be further funding cuts in the years ahead so please join our fight for crucial cash by sharing your stories below.

Write your story and post your pictures here

Share your story with us by writing it here. If you can also share a video or photo of the road that you're telling us about (especially any damaged part of the road that affects you or your business) then please add that to your story here, too. Just click on the picture icon or video camera icon in the toolbar above and follow the on-screen instructions.

Please do not share any personal information about yourself or anybody else here as everyone who visits the page will be able to read what you have written. Please note your username and comment will be visible to other people. If you think your username might identify you to others and you wish to change it, you can amend it on the settings page.

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  • Saddleback Road, Skidbrooke

    by ColetteSarah, 6 months ago

    I live at the east end of Saddleback Road so it is a regular road used by both myself and my family. The road is in such bad repair with so many potholes and a huge ridge running along the majority of the middle section of the road.

    A recent RTA happened whereby a vehicle was found in the dyke on its roof. It is not a surprise as the road is humped so much in the middle you feel like you are tipping into the ditch especially if you have to give way to an oncoming vehicle.

    The farmers... Continue reading

  • Road to Skegness

    by mendonca1966, 6 months ago

    I travel this daily. The stretch from the old tip to a mile or so past Burwell is an absolute disgrace, with many deep pot holes. In the dark it is well nigh impossible to ignore them and sooner or later there is going to be a nasty accident. I don't blame the Council per se but I do blame the local, supposedly Tory, MPs who do absolutely nothing for the County but who are quite happy to support wasting billions in the Ukraine.

  • An accident is waiting to happen....

    by andy-c, 7 months ago
    Warth Lane near Skegness is in a terrible state. Apart from potholes, the verges are narrow, collapsing and have dykes close by, while numerous kerbstones have been dislodged or out of line for years (to my certain knowledge). It is the road which gives access to Skegness Recycling Centre (SRC) , there is an electricity substation and several residential households so is well used and should be of an appropriate standard. It connects the A52 and A158 and is a potentially useful but presently totally unsuitable connection. I raised the matter with my local county councillor but failed to get... Continue reading
  • Mrs Bee

    by Bee, 7 months ago

    We live at the end of a single track lane (it's a dead end); a ditch runs along the length of it. In the last 18 months, three vehicles have gone completely off the road and into the ditch, damaging the road surface on the ditch side. This was reported to Lincs Highways in 2022; their response was to (finally, in 2023) send workmen to build up the earth at the edge of the road, but did nothing with the asphalt, which is in such poor condition I can pick it off the road with my bare hands.

    I've reported... Continue reading

  • Mr

    by John B2, 7 months ago
    I am fed up with, not just the bad state of roads and footway but reporting them to find that little or no action is being taken on most.
  • Mr

    by Hardluckhall, 7 months ago
    My wife and I moved to Lincolnshire 4 years ago to Saltfleetby the roads and lanes in this area are in a bad state , we wondered why people drove in the middle of the roads and lanes ? It was to miss the potholes we along with neighbours are using fix my street to report holes but many roads inc B1200 are subsiding
  • Alternative strategy.

    by timddeb, 8 months ago

    Many years ago I was clerk to a local council. One of the members was hell bent of having our road resurfaced. The road was not in particularly bad state of repair. Eventually, however, her wish was granted. The effect was immediate. The slight raising of the road level meant that her house now flooded regularly. The worst thing was now that we had a really smooth surface, and the road provided no need to slow down. In a 30mph zone the average speed went from 40mph to 60mph. The councilor sold her house and moved away. SO "improvement" is... Continue reading

  • Roads, Signs and Verges.

    by rsl.stevens, 9 months ago

    I could highlight numerous individual issues but the problems are well beyond individual issues.

    If I drove dangerously I would be prosecuted yet our roads are in a dangerous condition. They have gone beyond the 'pothole' repair stage, many miles need replacing.

    I'm also a motorcycle rider which heightens ones awareness of road surfaces. Long, groove like 'potholes' like the grand canyon are a particular problem for motorcyclists. Many of the repairs I see are to a very poor standard, what quality control measures are there to ensure work is done correctly?

    The verges are not maintained as they once... Continue reading

  • Damage

    by Ann.Coxall, 9 months ago
    As I live in a rural area our roads are the last to be considered. I know main roads are important but it has taken over 4 years to repair properly one very bad area of a road near me. There are still many potholes around and some of them deep enough to cause damage if approached wrongly. You cannot always in the dark or with oncoming traffic to avoid them and the depth can do damage to tyres in particular.
  • Soggy fence

    by Disgruntled resident , 9 months ago

    I have written and complained many times regarding the size of a pot hole on Silver Street, Wragby. This pot hole fills with water and then the traffic drive through it and the water is thrown over our front fence and it is deteriorating faster than it should do because of the amount of water. This pot hole could easily be filled and my fence allowed to dry out. I have painted this fence many times to protect it but this is a cost to me and something else needs doing. FILL THE POT HOLES!!!

Page last updated: 01 Jul 2024, 05:00 PM